Membership Advantages

"Policy Advocacy, Legal & Regulatory Advisory Services, Credit Management, Networking and Growth Opportunities"

  1. IBDF’s sole goal is to collectively improve the governance-bound economic growth prospects of its members by helping open gateways to revenue opportunities that matter.
  2. Every issue is dealt with through a working team, a committee, a task force or by the all-important team of office-bearers to arrive at conclusions and take them forward.
  3. The Foundation Office ensures that consensus is built through discussions, dialogues, research presentations, white papers and the like.
  4. IBDF helps manage credit and collections with advertising agencies and its effectiveness keeps improving regularly
  5. IBDF has helped move the sector to net bill advertising agencies and effectively end an old practice that keeps returning with questions from the tax authorities on a regular basis
  6. IBDF manages content complaints on its member channels through the Broadcast Content Complaints Council.  With the kind of responsible self-regulation this can deliver, the effectiveness of the industry and the standards it would portray can become exemplary.  A similar Self-Regulatory Body has been established for non-news OCCPs by IBDF called Digital Media Content Regulatory Council (DMCRC).
  7. IBDF helps manage industry issues through several active committees, e.g., legal, distribution, credit management and audience measurement management.  Each such committee helps resolve issues such as extended-brand advertising, suing bodies that are illegally causing problems for the industry, taking up issues with the Government, et al.

Our Members