Over the past two decades, IBDF has played a key role in providing research-based policy and regulatory advocacy to the government to build a strong broadcasting sector which is the backbone of the Indian Media & Entertainment sector
As the industry grew over the years, the commerce between broadcasters, agencies and advertisers was becoming large enough, yet remained complex and tardy. Television broadcasters needed a credit management mechanism that followed due process between advertisers, media buying agencies and themselves. The Indian Broadcasting Foundation was established in 1999 to primarily fulfil this simple objective. The organization in keeping with the changing trend has recently been rechristened Indian Broadcasting and Digital Foundation (IBDF), as it expands its purview to cover digital platforms to bring all digital over-the-top streaming firms under one roof and giving them a collective voice.
A not-for-profit organization, IBDF’s members comprise both News and Non-News Channels (GEC, Sports, Music, Movies, Infotainment, etc). Over the past twenty years, IBDF has worked arduously to earn its stripes and be considered the apex organization representing television broadcasters.
- IBDF members manage 400+ channels and about 90% of television viewership across country
- IBDF members are admired globally for their innovative business practices, social sector participation and thrust on playing a key role in the global civil society.
- IBDF member channels’ strength has grown over the years and they represent around 95% of the industry revenues generating employment for millions.
- IBDF provides research-based legislative inputs to the Government and carries out advocacy on various fiscal, regulatory and other business issues to facilitate drafting of conducive policies, resolution of issues and introduction of necessary changes in the overall system.
- Since June 2011, Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC), an independent self-regulatory body set up by IBDF, has been examining content-related complaints against non-news general entertainment television channels.
- IBDF acts on behalf of its members to ensure credit is aptly and professionally managed between advertisers, agencies and broadcasters.
- IBDF engages with members and strategizes through various Committee meetings and Forums.
- IBDF has recently created a new wholly-owned subsidiary, Indian Digital Media Industry Foundation (IDMIF) to proactively engage all the relevant stakeholders to introduce policy and regulatory certainties for the OTT sector.
- IBDF has also established an industry-led SRB called Digital Media Content Regulatory Council (DMCRC) for digital OTT platforms under IDMIF, which is a second-tier mechanism at the appellate level similar to BCCC.